birthday party

twinkle twinkle little star.

twinkle twinkle little star, do you know how loved you are?

BERKLEY GRACE. how on earth was this 5 years ago?! it doesn’t even seem possible. I feel like that first year I fully soaked in every moment slowly, while it flew by all at once.

I started planning this party literally right after she was born. I know I’m crazy. but I’ve never wanted the world to be so perfect until her. it’s like, she was born and -BOOM- instant give her the best possible. so thinking about her party, I was excited to perfect ever last detail.

I’ve always loved stars. they remind me of twinkling dreams, and there’s just something so delicate and grand about that, all wrapped into one. so when brainstorming first birthday ideas for Berkley, this was just too perfect. she was my dream on my own shooting star.

this little star banner was so easy to make. I cut the stars out with a shape punch, and then just sewed them together at random on my sewing machine!

we always order our cakes from nothing bundt cakes. this is the 8in and 10in stacked, with the drizzle frosting. I not only love the look of these, but the flavors are AMAZING. you can simply add flowers or toppers and create such a sweet and simple, beautiful cake.

for Berkley’s adorable velvet sunsuit, visit sadiethenty

I remember I was so behind on my judgement of timing for this party. I thought I would have enough time, but I barely got the balloons in place before people started arriving, and didn’t get a chance to do anything to my hair. I just whipped it up in a few bobby pins and called it a day!

one of my favorite details was what we set up on the table on the back porch. on a chalkboard sign, I wrote the coordinates of the star we bought, and named in honor of Berkley. then we had cards laid out that said “wishes for baby”, and everyone that attended filled out the lines listed. it was such a precious way to dream for her, and I can’t wait to share it with her when she’s older.

the high chair we bought from a local antique shop, and the backdrop Billy built out of old pallets. I just added curtains and a banner. My OCD wanted the smash cake pictures to be more grounded with a backdrop, and I didn’t want it to be the house.

but that little finger lick of icing was all she ate of her cake. she was not into the feeling of food on her hands at all, which is just totally her personality, even today.

the food was super simple, finger foods, and I just ordered those little squared cups for cheerios and goldfish for the little ones. they were the perfect size for them to hold and carry around.

My shining star! we love you more than you could ever imagine.

TWO to flamingle.

stand tall darling.

two year’s old?! one to two seems like such a huge jump in age, I just can’t believe how fast time seems to be passing by. literally at year one, she had just learned how to walk. now she’s walking, talking, and potty-trained, and has OPINIONS. somebody pinch me.

for Berkley’s second birthday, I couldn’t resist a flamingo theme! she has such a fun, bright, bold personality, and the pink is perfect for her girly spirit. at the time, it wasn’t an actual party theme really, or at least not popular, and I couldn’t find ANYTHING in flamingo print. I mixed pineapples into it, which I ended up loving because it added so much color.

her party hat we get every year and customize it from little blue olive!
looking back I wish I would have gotten the same flavor for both of the cakes. I don’t like how they are two different colors and just not cohesive. but Nothing Bundt Cakes will always be our cake go-to!

I can’t even explain how much I love throwing parties. I seriously start planning and creating months in advance. for this one, I made all of the banners by hand, or with my Cricut machine.

the shelf and bench above, Billy and I built as when we moved in to our home. we needed a solution to keep our most worn shoes downstairs, so we built that little area with baskets under the bench to store our shoes. it has now become my favorite little spot to decorate for every holiday.

oh, and how amazing is my hubs?! these are real pineapples that he so perfectly cut the center out to create my vase vision!

number 2 cake topper is from hobby lobby // adorable flamingo topper is lulaflora
caught red handed, eating the food before the party starts!
that blonde hair! those lips! gosh I just adore her.

out back, I set up a few games for the kiddos. I bought yard flamingos and created a ring toss with them. we also had hula hoops, chalk, a couple other basic backyard toys, and then a giant flamingo pool filled with pink flamingo rubber ducks.

the easel above is from ikea! one side is a chalkboard and the other is dry erase. we actually only use it for parties, and I love that it has a shelf to add decorations to it too.

I always try to plan out where the main photos will be, and create a backdrop. this new pallet wall actually came from a retail store’s old visual display. It’s much better than the one we used the previous year, and actually sits against the house. It’s crazy to look back at these pictures and see it before I planted the climbing jasmine. Now it’s so full of beautiful flowers, its truly grown with our family!

in our home we don’t have actual cups, we use mason jars. so for parties, I try to make a fun kid option, such as these sweet pineapples. I ordered them from oriental trading company, and they doubled as the party favors for the kids!

we love you, our sweet girl. you were born to stand out!

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