Blog Dedication

today, July 23, is the day I finally launch my blog.

It also would have been my mom’s birthday.

You see, when I was two years old, she left me. Not like the ‘packed her bags and walked out’ left, but the completely gone from this world left. Cancer took her from us.

she still had so much life to live. WE had so much to live together. it wasn’t fair. I don’t have a single memory of a moment with her, and yet so many others do. she was supposed to be MINE. the one that would teach me how to be a woman. how to be a mother. to hold me when I felt alone. to wipe of my knees when I fell. to stay up late and watch chick flicks, eating junk food, talking about boys. to shop for my prom dress. my wedding dress. anything.

growing up, I don’t think it really impacted me. at least not my day-to-day. My parents did a good job checking off the boxes of what needed to be done to raise me, so I never felt like I was really missing out on something more.

That is, until I realized how deep that relationship can be.

Having Berkley changed my life. she was the first parent-child biological relationship I had ever experienced. and boy when I tell you our hearts are intertwined, I mean I don’t know how mine would beat without her. do I think family can come without a biological connection? ABSOLUTELY. my entire family is that to me. but Berkley and Juniper love me in a way that no one else has, and there’s just something truly special about that connection for us.

I have learned over the years how to work through my emotions to see the big picture. I believe the Lord has our paths so intricately thought through, that I can put worry to ease with the peace that the best is coming.

But how could someone dying be what’s best? Well, my mom had to die. She had to die for me to live the life I had. To go the direction I went. to meet my husband when I did. to have my girls be exactly who they are.

My mom had to have her last breath, so Berkley and Juniper could take their first.

So today I celebrate the launch of my blog as a gift to honor my mom. Because of her, I never want to take for granted a moment with my girls. I dream to give them the best life I can, building memories together, so they never even question a moment or forget an ounce of my love.

That may mean I’m a little extra at times. Maybe parties are over the top. Maybe we go on adventures more often than we should. Maybe my girls’ lives don’t look like the normal day-to-day of a child’s. But the thing is, if you knew when your last breath was going to be, would you live your life to the fullest? What if it was tomorrow and you had no idea?

Happy birthday in heaven, Mom. I hope I’ve made you proud. You have given me the greatest gifts I ever could have prayed for, and I will never stop thanking you for that.

Because of your life lost, I can have these bright, sunny days.


Everyone loves a great deal, right?! I have the honor of working with some amazing brands to give you just that! HAPPY SHOPPING!





Meet the Family

hi! I’m Arielle. a thirty-ish wife to my better half, and mama to the sweetest little girl-gang.

together, we are explorers, travelers, adventure seekers, creatives, messy, mistake-makers, loving Jesus and seeking his joy in every day moments. we love, talk, cry, share, and encourage, while sticking together to figure out this crazy life.

oh, and we really love Mickey Mouse.


and we wouldn’t be any of those things without this amazing man right here. when I say he’s my better half, I truly mean exactly that. he balances me and keeps me grounded. then he takes my crazy big dreams and plans a way to turn them into actual realities. he loves me in every form, and leads our family through the most admirable strength with a true heart of gold. gosh I could just gush about him all day. he is literally the epitome of a picture perfect dad, just by being himself.

do you follow me on instagram? well, here are the stars of everything I do and those cute smiles that take over the majority of my feed. my heart overflows for these two, and boy did the Lord know what he was doing. they are my dream come true.


if someone took me and shoved me into a six-year-old body, then sprinkled pixie dust on top, that would be my sweet Berkley. I just get this girl. her soul moves me and her emotional intelligence and ability to understand compassion at such a young age is amazing to watch. she loves harder than anyone I know and finds joy in seeing others happy. she is my little free-spirit that I just want to protect from the world so she never feels pain or heartbreak. I think I’ll forever feel that no one is deserving of her love.


my baby. she is everything I never knew I needed, in so many ways. she keeps me on my toes, knows what she wants, and makes sure her mama is always close by. I’m pretty sure she’s a genius too. my heart aches for her when she’s not in my arms and her personality- HOLY COW it’s huge. she came at just the right time in our lives and was truly meant to be the baby of the family.

I started this page as an artist simply looking to express my own creativity. the perfectionist in me has spent the last two years trying to get it just right. That is until I realized “just right” isn’t what I wanted. Motherhood is hard. Marriage is hard. LIFE is hard. The community that has come from my instagram became so beautiful to me that I realized I just wanted to share LIFE. The good. The bad. The raw. The journey. The trials. The rainy days + the sunny days.

I am so nervous to put myself out there. but if my stories can help someone through a hard time, inspire a fun project, or bring a family closer- gosh it would have been one of the greatest honors in my life.

I am not perfect. and I hope that it’s through my imperfections that can connect us in a way that you know, you are MORE THAN ENOUGH.

I can’t thank you enough for being here and joining this journey with me!

*these stunning photos were taken by the amazing Grace Oliver Photography!*

I also have thirteen year-old step daughter. For privacy purposes and respect for her and her mother, she will not be featured on my blog. However if you are struggling in a co-parenting situation, or just need a fellow stepmom to support you, I am only an email away!

BOHO Playroom Makeover

This might be my favorite project I’ve ever put together. Mainly because this space was in desperate need of design and function, but having girls that love all the girly things made it even better.

First off, the walls needed a touch of color. These arches were taking over my Pinterest page, and I knew it was a trend I had to jump on. Want to know how incredibly simple these are?!

  1. Tie a piece of string to a pencil, with the length being at least the radius of the semi circle part of your arch.
  2. Hold the end of the string in the center, pulling the pencil straight out, and drawing a half circle, or the top of your arch.
  3. With painter’s tape and a level, line the sides of the arch straight down. I have linked a tutorial from my Instagram page here if you would like to check it out in video form!

I used the colors from Behr called Quilted Heart, Radiant Pink, Palamino Pony, Canyon Sun, Cuban Plaza, and Salmon Bisque. The colors on the swatches were almost an exact match on the wall, which I loved, because sometimes seeing it big picture, it’s not quite the same. I did go with a Flat finish, because I didn’t want there to be a shine to it, and I knew the girls wouldn’t be to harsh on the walls.

I’ve linked as much as I could below, but a lot we made ourselves! My husband built the girls’ table, which I love because we were able to customize the dimensions and fit the space perfectly. The design was simple, with a basic table top and hair pin legs spray painted gold to match the rest of the room.

The teepee we made ourselves too! By using a few 2 by 4’s, an off white king sized flat sheet, a few screws, and some jute rope, it was so simple to put together and give us the organic boho look we wanted for their playroom!

These rattan chairs were every blogger’s obsession when Homegoods released them. I saw multiple friends scouring through different locations to find them, which I think we even stopped into at least five to find these two and the bench. They no longer carry the style, but I found an almost exact replica below!

The girls have made so many memories in this space already! I love that with a splash of color and a few pieces to organize, we turned a small loft area, into a functioning playroom with room to grow!

happy designing!

Homeschool Kindergarten Recap

As a mother, the pandemic forced some pretty big decisions on us. Berkley was supposed to start Kindergarten that fall, and I wanted so badly for her first year to be perfect. But with the question of virtual learning, wearing masks, the Covid illness itself, and even Plexiglas around desks, nothing was sounding good. We all had to make the best decision for our own families, and for us, Billy and I just didn’t know what the right fit was.

So I started researching homeschool options. Since I work from home, it could be a possibility, but homeschooling also had such a negative stereotype, I really needed to figure out specifics.

Not only did I fall in love with everything I read, but I became so passionate about it, I couldn’t wait to dive in and start planning. The fact that I could have the opportunity to teach her sweet soul exactly what I wanted, based solely on HER learning style was something I just couldn’t pass up. Think the benefits of one-on-one tutoring, combined with eliminating distractions. (like spending 30 minutes for a whole class to go to the bathroom. SERIOUSLY, our homeschool school day is about 1/4 of a regular school day!)

I pulled together my own curriculum, and planned out themed weeks, with Fridays being a field trip day to a location that coincided with our week’s topic. I wanted to make sure she was hitting the Kindergarten learning requirements, but that I was also taking advantage of the opportunity for a more hands-on approach by getting to step outside of the traditional classroom.

There are seven main homeschool approaches: CLASSICAL, CHARLOTTE MASON, MONTESSORI, UNSCHOOLING, SCHOOL-AT-HOME, UNIT STUDIES, and ECLECTIC EDUCATION METHODS. A great resource for learning about each style, and their benefits is from this article on I would say we definitely pull mostly from the Charlotte Mason approach, with positive elements from other styles mixed in.

You can check out some of my curriculum and learning tools based off of the links below! The only thing that changed for us throughout the year, was that we bumped Berkley up to first grade math, because her Kindergarten textbook was a little too simple for her.

(with the Course Book, we always purchased the Course Reader, Mini books, Phonics cards, Beginners Books boxes, and the Level K Handwriting workbook, I wanted everything in the same subject to be cohesive, and this was a great program for sure.

As far as our weekly themes, I first researched field trip locations that would be educational, and checked to see if there were any special events going on at specific times of the year. For example, I knew I wanted to do a “Space Week” and go to the Kennedy Space Center. After researching, they had a special “Meet the Astronaut” event in October, so I scheduled our “Space Week” to fall during that time. With each theme, we would study our regular curriculum, and then have crafts, songs, snacks, and learning revolving around that theme! Here are some ideas I used, and some I will use this year:


I am so proud of Berkley, and thankful we had this past year to learn so much more together. The bond that she and Juniper benefited from the time together was exactly what they needed to. These photos of her graduating Kindergarten bring me to tears. I can’t believe 12 years from now, she’ll be standing there in that same spot wearing her cap and gown, ready to take on the world.

thank you for being here!

*This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a tiny commission at no cost to you if you make a purchase through my page. Not all links are affiliates, but know I would only recommend products I have tried myself! You purchases help my tiny business and support my girls’ futures! THANK YOU for being here.*

My MUST HAVE hair products

Everyone always asks what my “secret recipe” is for growing hair long and strong. And honestly, I have to give my pregnancies most of the credit. While I did suffer from postpartum hair loss and breakage, the length I gained while carrying my girls was unbelievable. From there, to maintain my locks, vitamins, drinking enough water, and these products have helped:

  • MADISON BRAIDS- For the quick look of braids, these headbands have become some of our favorite pieces to wear.

  • HAIR FOOD SMOOTHING ARGON & AVACADO OIL- My hair is naturally frizzy, and I love that this smooths each strand, without added heaviness or coating. Just use a pea size on your ends, and then run your hands through the rest with whatever product is leftover on your palms.

  • GIMME NYLON HAIR TIES- I realized how much damage traditional hair ties caused when Berkley started dance and was consistently wearing her hair up and tight. After switching to these nylon hair ties, the difference was incredible. Less snag and pull with the softer nylon material, less broken hair.

  • MOROCCAN OIL MOISTURE REPAIR SHAMPOO & CONDITIONER- Just a little product goes a long way, even in my hair. Shampoo with your head upside-down to cover more area and stimulate your scalp. If you can, try to only wash your hair once a week!

  • DYSON AIRWRAP COMPLETE- My husband bought this for me when the hype was unreal. While the curls don’t hold too well for me, using the hairdryer has protected my hair from so much heat damage. Traditional hair dryers get unnecessarily hot, and the Dyson Airwrap dries faster without damaging heat intensity.

  • BUMBLE & BUMBLE HAIRDRESSER’S INVISIBLE OIL- This is my heat protectant, my detangler, and what I spray in our hair before we hit the beach or pool for UV protection.

  • SHEA MOISTURE DEEP TREATMENT MASQUE- I use this once a month in place of my conditioner. Definitely the best one I’ve ever used.

  • OLAPLEX NO.3 HAIR PERFECTOR- When I get the opportunity to purchase the entire Olaplex system, I may be changing this whole post to their products! I have heard incredible things from those who swear by Olaplex, and I couldn’t live without NO.3.

  • MICROFIBER HAIR DRYING TOWEL- traditional towel drying can cause hair breakage, and you want to avoid frequent blow drying. These microfiber hair towels are the perfect solution, and allow you to “plop” your hair to dry in them instead of pulling and twisting.

  • HAIR ELASTIC BAND CUTTER- I use small elastics all the times in mine and the girls’ hair. However, pulling those out can cause so much damage, which is why I love these little cutters. Just slip under the elastics to cut, and it pops right out of the hair.


The Madsion Braids we are wearing here are the Classic Halo styles. They are extremely comfortable and can easily be adjusted to any size. Juniper is two and it even fits her snug! Shop them here and use my code ARIELLEMAE for a discount.

Check out my Instagram for more hair tutorials and weekly hacks every Tuesday!

so glad you are here!

I thought Breastfeeding was supposed to be EASY.

When I was pregnant with Berkley, the idea of breastfeeding seemed so strange to me. I remember telling my boss I’d be back from my maternity leave early, ready to travel, and no, I didn’t need need any accommodations for pumping when I returned.


The moment my doctor laid Berkley on my chest, everything I ever thought had gone out the window. I was rushed with so many emotions that I didn’t even recognize myself. My life now became dedicated to hers. And when she started licking my chest, rooting to nurse, that original ideal of breastfeeding awkwardness quickly changed to give her whatever she wanted.

Now, our breastfeeding journey was NOT easy at first. You would think the most natural thing a mother is supposed to do would just happen. Why the heck isn’t it talked about more that it actually isn’t easy at all?! Before even leaving the hospital, I was cracking, bleeding, and in desperate need of help. Honestly, I don’t think I could have figured it out without my lactation consultant. *TIP* When you are in the hospital, ask for one! They will tell you all the things your mom didn’t, and prepare you for the journey you’re about to face.

After bringing Berkley home, my breastfeeding problems just continued. While I knew the positions to hold her in to nurse, I was way over-producing, and pumping for relief after she finished. Unfortunately, that only made my body think it needed to produce more milk, and HOLY COW did I feel like a cow. I was unaware that you are not supposed to pump the first few weeks to let your milk level out. By the end of our breastfeeding journey, I had so much breastmilk stored up, I would have broken the world record for most donated breastmilk. (however I gave it to a friend who needed it for her newborn!)

So on top of cracking, bleeding, and over-producing, Mastitis quickly followed. Mastitis is an inflammation of breast tissue, resulting from a clogged duct and/or an infection. The inflammation creates breast pain, swelling, warmth and redness, and sometimes a fever and chills. Sure enough, I had all the symptoms, and was given antibiotics and told breastfeeding was the only thing that would get the clog out to heal it.

I felt like my body was failing me. That motherhood was failing for me. Why couldn’t I get my body to do what it was literally made to do? I was in so much pain, but so dedicated to breastfeeding, that there were times Billy had to help hold me as Berkley nursed because the pain was just excruciating. At the time, there was so much pressure on the idea of “Breast is Best” that I let my guilt and social pressures make my decisions for me. Through it all, I ended up breast-feeding Berkley for two and half years.

At the end of the day, what makes mom best, is best.

Things were so much easier with Juniper. I felt so confident in what I was doing, and we quickly got into sync and two and a half years later, we are still going.

I know it’s hard, but don’t let the world pressure you into your choices and decisions throughout motherhood. You were designed to be the mom to your own babies, and you know what’s best for them more than anyone else. We think motherhood is natural, but there are so many aspects that ARE difficult. Especially breastfeeding.

from my heart to yours,

What gender do you want?

Such a weird question, right? But yet it’s probably the most common one asked.

“Do you guys want a girl, or a boy?”

It’s not like anyone gets to choose, so how on earth did that even become a thing to ask? In a sweet tone, most women respond with that cookie cutter answer, “We’d be happy no matter what, just praying for healthy!”

But is that really true?

Before I was pregnant with Berkley, a friend of mine announced her pregnancy. She already had a girl and two boys, and was really hoping this fourth would be another little girl. When she found out it wasn’t, she called me in tears. Bawling. Just devastated. I felt so terrible, but also didn’t understand. She was pregnant, and this baby was exactly what the plan was for her family.

But I soon learned that gender disappointment is a real thing.

My heart pounded as Billy and I anxiously waited for the ultrasound tech. We were so excited to finally be at this point and become parents to our first little one, the rush was just unreal. And when she said “GIRL”, a huge weight was lifted off of my shoulders. I held back tears, and I was so incredibly RELIEVED. I now understood the aching my friend had felt, and while I was thankful for the plan set for our family, my heart broke for those who feel a hole in theirs for what they thought their family’s path would be. In that moment, I knew if she would have said boy, I would have cried.

Being honest with myself now, I did always want girls. I dreamed about girls. My mama heart ached for girls. And when I pictured myself as a mom, I pictured ALL. THE. GIRLY. THINGS. But even though I felt this way, I never expressed it. What if that wasn’t in the cards for me? No one wants to be known as “The Boy Mom that didn’t want boys.” And there the MOM GUILT begins.

As many as 1 in 5 women experience a degree of gender disappointment. On top of this feeling, they then experience immense guilt for even feeling this way, and often times suppress it, battling themselves even more. Compounded with pregnancy hormones, it really can be a struggle.

Mama, I see you. It’s okay. It’s okay to feel this way, and still be an incredible mom. Sometimes you have to mourn the loss of the gender you wanted, before you can be excited for the gender you have. THAT IS OKAY. It doesn’t mean that when that baby is in your arms, you will love them any less.

Friends and family, be so careful. With gender disappointment, sharing the news can be hard. If you show signs of your own disappointment, It will only heighten the depression and guilt. BE EXCITED. Be warm. And immediately start sharing all the incredible benefits to having that gender, to help redirect the emotions.

Most of my family expressed preference to wanting our second baby to be a boy. And when I told them Juniper was going to be a girl, there was definite disappointment. But let me tell you, that sweet girl has brought more joy to our family than what anyone could have imagined, and she and Berkley have become the very best of friends.

No one would want it any other way.

from my heart to yours,

Our Fresh 48 photos were all taken by the amazing Grace Oliver Photography and our matching

hospital outfits can be found in similar colors here!

Dear Postpartum Mama.

Dear Postpartum Mama,

Congratulations! You’re home from the hospital and holding the most precious gift you could have ever received. You’re exhausted and overwhelmed, and gosh can’t figure out why you’re crying over baby socks.

I’m sure friends and family have all asked how you are doing, expecting their smile to be reciprocated. But how are you feeling?

Because you don’t have to be okay. In fact, you may not be for a long time. You may have mood swings. Your mind may be taken over by thoughts you can’t even emotionally comprehend. You may cry and feel hopeless and lonely, even when surrounded by your entire family and closest friends. It’s okay. I SEE YOU.

1 in 8 women show signs of Postpartum Depression within the first six months of delivery. You can’t prevent it. It is not your fault. And it most certainly does NOT make you a bad mom.

I remember my Mother in Law asking me after Berkley was born if I was feeling sad. At the time, I felt like that was such an insult. I thought, of course I’m not sad! I’ve been looking forward to this day since I could remember. I love that baby with all of my being, how dare you ask me if I’m sad! And with my personality, I’m never sad!

But looking back, I was sad.

It didn’t mean I loved my baby any less. But it did mean I had a hormone imbalance that I needed to work through.

You might feel alone and embarrassed in this journey. Unable to talk about how you truly feel because you just don’t understand. Your heart feels one way, but your mind is doing something completely different. But you know what, you just brought life into this world! Can you believe it?! Let’s say that again. YOU JUST BROUGHT LIFE INTO THIS WORLD! Your body did that. You are absolutely incredible! And just like your body was your tool for that journey, it will work with you again to overcome this. Just remember to take care of it.

Mama, you are not alone. Get that extra rest. Tell your loved ones about it. Seek out a counselor who specializes in postpartum. Take your vitamins. squeeze that baby and then ASK FOR HELP. Postpartum depression and disorders don’t discriminate. Just like any imbalance in your body, you do what you need to take care of it and get back on track. It is okay to take care of yourself. You can only be the best mom you can be for that sweet babe, when you are in your best form yourself.

Your mama friend that understands,

Atlanta, Georgia Spring Break trip

Every year we take a big Spring Break trip, and it’s kind of crazy to think back to this one. Talk of the Covid pandemic was just in the beginning stage, and not severe enough for us to cancel our travel plans. It wasn’t until we checked into our hotel, did places start closing and the PR events planned were canceled. We will definitely schedule a trip back to do some of the activities we missed, but we still had such an incredible visit and explored quite a bit! Here’s what we did:

  1. WENT TO ZOO ATLANTA- This is such a beautiful zoo. It felt extremely clean, and had a lot of fun activities and shows, on top of the extended variety of species. There is also this great park that we are standing in, in the picture below, located right next to the zoo’s parking lot. Between the two, it is definitely a full day for kids!

We were originally planning on going to the World of Coca-Cola, The Atlanta Botanical Gardens, and Stone Mountain Park. All three locations closed the day we were there due to Covid, but I love that we can plan another trip and have several places to check out next time!

2. EXPLORED THE CITY- Atlanta has so much to see, I actually loved the extra day to take it all in. PONCE CITY MARKET is a must, with a trendy food hall and a ton of great shops. We also went to the famous JACKSON STREET BRIDGE and had to get a burger and frosted orange from THE VARSITY.

3. TINY DOORS ATLANTA- I would have to say our favorite part of our time in the city was the Tiny Doors Atlanta scavenger hunt. These little doors, like the red one above, are scattered all over the Atlanta at some of the most popular places and biggest city monuments. See my TINY DOORS post for more details and all the spots we discovered!

4. PIEDMONT PARK- This 185 acre park is right in the heart of Atlanta and full of history, athletics, and more. It’s a great spot to pack a picnic with a loved one and spend a day outdoors relaxing.

5. GETAWAY HOUSE- The last few days of our trip were an absolute dream, thanks to Getaway House hosting us at their Suches, Georgia outpost. These tiny homes are fully equipped with everything you may need for your stay, with breathtaking views included!

A window covers an entire side of the tiny home, which makes you feel even more connected to nature. We loved the whole aesthetic, and spent our days hiking the Appalachian trail, making s’mores, and playing games together.

Even though our trip didn’t go as originally planned, our girls will never know. They’ll remember a vacation full of adventures, giggles, and quality time present with each other.

happy travels!

You can check out all the Getaway House outpost locations here and use my code ArielleMae25 for a discount on your next stay!

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