
hi! I’m Arielle. A Florida mom living my dream life with my incredible husband and the sweetest little girls. Our days are built of love, travel, crafting, and Mickey Mouse.

I was working in an amazing career for a top fashion designer for almost 10 years. Then, my first daughter was laid on my chest. Every moment after was one to work towards being at home, and I am so thankful to say today that I am a full-time content creator and social media marketer, and Mom to these two angel babies now.

Oh Sunny Days comes from my passion for connecting with others and enjoying each moment doing so. Because of my mother’s death, I look at life through a lens where being kind and living to the fullest is truly the only way to spend your time. Making your days sunny.

Hope my page brings a smile to your face, or inspires you in one way or another. I am so thankful you are here!

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