Meet the Family

hi! I’m Arielle. a thirty-ish wife to my better half, and mama to the sweetest little girl-gang.

together, we are explorers, travelers, adventure seekers, creatives, messy, mistake-makers, loving Jesus and seeking his joy in every day moments. we love, talk, cry, share, and encourage, while sticking together to figure out this crazy life.

oh, and we really love Mickey Mouse.


and we wouldn’t be any of those things without this amazing man right here. when I say he’s my better half, I truly mean exactly that. he balances me and keeps me grounded. then he takes my crazy big dreams and plans a way to turn them into actual realities. he loves me in every form, and leads our family through the most admirable strength with a true heart of gold. gosh I could just gush about him all day. he is literally the epitome of a picture perfect dad, just by being himself.

do you follow me on instagram? well, here are the stars of everything I do and those cute smiles that take over the majority of my feed. my heart overflows for these two, and boy did the Lord know what he was doing. they are my dream come true.


if someone took me and shoved me into a six-year-old body, then sprinkled pixie dust on top, that would be my sweet Berkley. I just get this girl. her soul moves me and her emotional intelligence and ability to understand compassion at such a young age is amazing to watch. she loves harder than anyone I know and finds joy in seeing others happy. she is my little free-spirit that I just want to protect from the world so she never feels pain or heartbreak. I think I’ll forever feel that no one is deserving of her love.


my baby. she is everything I never knew I needed, in so many ways. she keeps me on my toes, knows what she wants, and makes sure her mama is always close by. I’m pretty sure she’s a genius too. my heart aches for her when she’s not in my arms and her personality- HOLY COW it’s huge. she came at just the right time in our lives and was truly meant to be the baby of the family.

I started this page as an artist simply looking to express my own creativity. the perfectionist in me has spent the last two years trying to get it just right. That is until I realized “just right” isn’t what I wanted. Motherhood is hard. Marriage is hard. LIFE is hard. The community that has come from my instagram became so beautiful to me that I realized I just wanted to share LIFE. The good. The bad. The raw. The journey. The trials. The rainy days + the sunny days.

I am so nervous to put myself out there. but if my stories can help someone through a hard time, inspire a fun project, or bring a family closer- gosh it would have been one of the greatest honors in my life.

I am not perfect. and I hope that it’s through my imperfections that can connect us in a way that you know, you are MORE THAN ENOUGH.

I can’t thank you enough for being here and joining this journey with me!

*these stunning photos were taken by the amazing Grace Oliver Photography!*

I also have thirteen year-old step daughter. For privacy purposes and respect for her and her mother, she will not be featured on my blog. However if you are struggling in a co-parenting situation, or just need a fellow stepmom to support you, I am only an email away!

Soak up the Sun

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